Working hours on Booknetic are divided into three parts. The priority ordering of these three working hour settings is as follows:
- Staff
- Service
- Business
If the working hours are set for the staff, the timeslots will be shown following the staff working hours, regardless of the service and business working hours.

If the working hours are not set for the staff, and the working hours are set for the service and business, the timeslots will be shown following the service working hours.

Finally, if the working hours are not set for the staff or the service, the timeslots will be shown following the business hours. Working hours settings for service, staff, and business are the same. The only difference is which one is superior.
Working hours are set weekly, and you can set a specific day of the week as Day-off. The day you set as day-off will be unavailable to book on the booking panel, and you will not be able to accept appointments for these days.
If you want to work 24 hours, you need to set the working hours 00:00 – 24:00.